As a society, we’re always looking for tools to make our lives easier. Who has time to actually drive anywhere, or even to pick up the phone to call anyone? Modern conveniences (predominantly via the internet) have completely changed the way billions upon billions of people operate. The world of booking hotels is no exception to this rapidly-changing climate.
With enterprises such as Hotwire.com, Hotels.com, Orbitz.com, Expedia.com, and Travelocity.com, one can book lodgings for an upcoming trip with the simple click of a button. Yes, this includes the joy of not having to interact with any customer service representatives. The aforementioned quintet of sites are perfect for reserving a beachfront cabana for that 10-day Bahamas vacation. They’re also excellent for the three-day excursion out to Iowa for the ‘I’m-obligated-to-go’ family reunion.
These sites are truly catered towards making the experience for the consumer as seamless as possible. They are easy to navigate — and offer a multitude of specifications for the desired location. While each booking site can be accessed from a desktop or personal computer, booking services have even begun to pop up in the form of smartphone apps.
In terms of a loyalty program, Hotels.com consistently ranks atop the class. The vaunted ‘Rewards Program’ offers the customer one free night for every 10 nights booked. The value of the said night will be the average cost of the previous purchases. There are also elite statuses (Gold, Silver) which come based upon the amount of nights booked in a single calendar year. Perks include early access to promotions/new deals and preferred customer service. Duly, Hotels.com — like many other options — is excellent in terms of sorting through preferences. This is particularly effective when children, the elderly, pets, or a person with any sort of disability are in the party set to purchase a package.
From a value standpoint, Hotwire.com consistently ranks as one of the most affordable in terms of daily rate. There’s a caveat however — as many of the best deals (called ‘hot deals’) are given without the actual name of the hotel/location in question. A booking time limit may be given at the top of page which in essence could allow in a fluctuation of the price.
If speaking to a representative is desired, websites such as Hotels.com, OneTravel.com, and Priceline.com offer live chats. For young travelers and people on a budget, Hostelworld.com and Hostelz.com is a great place to quickly book lodgings for a short stay — particularly if backpacking through an area. Trivago.com has an exceptionally clean and easy-to-use presentation. It also offers price comparisons with some of its fellow competitors. This site is a great way to crosscheck multiple platforms at the same time.
Without question, the online booking of travel accommodations has revolutionized the industry. Never have we seen a more efficient process when it comes to satisfying the customer’s needs. The detailed mechanisms present the consumer with a plethora of options. From there, each are broken down to completely offer a personalized experience (room size, number of rooms, number of patrons, room characteristics, etc.). Thousands of choices can be reviewed in a short amount of time — and often at a discounted price. With these media platforms, the process of booking lodgings has never been easier.
Image Source: Discover Your Indonesia