In the world of contraception, there a plethora of diverse options. These choices do vary in terms of time, cost, and feasibility. However, one very prominent contraceptive implement within the current culture is the pill. Birth control pills have a success rate of over 90 percent (91 percent). Used as daily implements, the pills are normally ingested orally. It’s a quick and painless option for those wanting to avoid an ill-timed or ill-conceived pregnancy.
Medical professionals insist on taking the pill with regularity. If one stays on a strict schedule, effectiveness levels can rise up to 99 percent. There have even been smartphone apps created as a means to remind the user to take their daily pill. There are two different types of pill: Progestin-Only Pills and Combination Pills.
The ingesting of combination pills is normally advised to occur within five days after one’s period begins. If this happens, the individual will be protected from pregnancy immediately. If taken outside of that time frame, the individual will be protected after a week of taking the pill. In other words, it won’t be immediate. Progestin-only pills can be taken without a specific time frame. Users of this specific pill will be protected from pregnancy within 48 hours (two days).
Pills are relatively easy to get. Prices are determined by the presence of health insurance. Duly, specific government programs have been put in place which enable prospective customers to get the pills at low rates. A simple trip to the doctor’s office can result in a prescription for birth control. The Affordable Care Act also allows for many to procure the birth control pills at next to no cost (though this may depend on one’s health insurance package). Variations of the pill can also be found over the counter at one’s local drugstore. Health clinics, and other centers (such as Planned Parenthood) will also help in this capacity.
Interestingly enough, the pill has a number of positive health benefits. Combination pills specifically work to reduce the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancer. Duly, it’s got supposed effectiveness in warding off cysts, acne, and infections in delicate areas (Fallopian tubes, uterus, ovaries).
As one can see, there are many interesting facets associated with the birth control pill.